1999, Apr 1, Los Angeles, Burbank Airport, VH 1 'Storytellers'
CD 1 of 2, running time
| 1 | Tango Till They're Sore | 2 | Hang Down Your Head | 3 | Ol' 55 | 4 | Strange Weather | 5 | Hold On | 6 | Picture In A Frame | 7 | I Can't Wait To Get Off Work | 8 | House Where Nobody Lives | 9 | Get Behind The Mule | 10 | Chocolate Jesus | 11 | What's He Building |
CD 2 of 2, running time
| 1 | A Little Rain | 2 | Downtown Train | 3 | Black Wings | 4 | Jesus Gonna Be Here | 5 | Jersey Girl | 6 | Chocolate Jesus (versions 2 And 3) | 7 | Tango Till They're Sore | 8 | Hang Down Your Head |
    5.00 out of 5 (5 votes)
Rhinedogs | A | Soundboard recording. Very good sound quality, and a lot of storytelling, every single song is introduced with a story! Ideal to make your friends familiar with Waits.
'Chocolate Jesus' on disc one has some digital flaws, but maybe it's VH-1's fault, because Tom had to re-do that song later.
There are very short pauses between the songs, but I might edit it out if I have time.
Giff | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.
solitaire | A | Easily the best available sound quality of '99, the storytelling and decade-spanning song selection make this a great beginner boot.
sam | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.
torsten | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.
iceman | A | This is my favorite boot!
I always love Tom's stories, and this is about 50% stories, so it's absolutely wonderful!
evenenders | A | This is such a great show. Audio is very good. It is one of the best iI've heard so far
Rayman | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.
EGrey | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.