Rats And Angry Flowers1999, Oct 17, Vancouver, Orpheum Theatre
CD 1 of 2, running time
| 1 | Lucky Day Overture | > | The Black Rider | 2 | Jockey Full Of Bourbon | 3 | Jesus Gonna Be Here | 4 | In The Colosseum | 5 | Jersey Girl | 6 | Get Behind The Mule | 7 | Chocolate Jesus | 8 | Down Down Down | 9 | Hold On | 10 | Step Right Up | > | Eyeball Kid | 11 | Tango Till They're Sore | 12 | Hang Down Your Head |
CD 2 of 2, running time
| 1 | Picture In A Frame | 2 | Cemetery Polka | 3 | House Where Nobody Lives | 4 | Innocent When You Dream | 5 | 16 Shells From A Thirty Ought Six | 6 | Gun Street Girl | 7 | Who Are You | 8 | Strange Weather | 9 | Cold Cold Ground | 10 | I'll Shoot The Moon | 11 | What's He Building | 12 | Earth Died Screaming | 13 | Take It With Me |
    5.00 out of 5 (4 votes)
Rhinedogs | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.
Torsten | A | I have only the "Rats And Angry Flowers" version but this is excellent.
Giff | A | CBC radio broadcast - the 1CD version is an incomplete concert but top quality
iceman | A | I also have the 1 CD version. It's one of my favorites!
Actually, the 1CD version seems to have about three songs that are not on the 2CD version. Three songs from some radio show.
They are: Picture in a frame, I can't wait to get off work, and (and this is my favorite) Jesus blood never failed me yet.
Just thought that information should appear here.
evenenders | - | I got this copy from Iceman so his review applies here.
mrmojorising | A | A
I have the 1 cd version. Great show and sound.
It also has the complete four tracks recoreded at KBCO studio c on the disc, but is missing the interview segments.