Mule Conversations1999, Mar 17, Austin, KSGR, Epitaph Promo CD
CD 1 of 1, running time
| 1 | Hold On Radio Edit | 2 | Interview | 3 | Interview | 4 | Interview | 5 | Interview | 6 | Interview | 7 | Interview | 8 | Interview | 9 | Big In Japan | 10 | Interview | 11 | Interview | 12 | Interview | 13 | Interview | 14 | Interview | 15 | Interview | 16 | Interview | 17 | Pony | 18 | Interview | 19 | Interview | 20 | Interview | 21 | Interview | 22 | What's He Building | 23 | Interview | 24 | Interview | 25 | Interview | 26 | Interview | 27 | Interview | 28 | Interview | 29 | Interview | 30 | Interview | 31 | Picture In A Frame | 32 | Interview | 33 | Interview | 34 | Interview | 35 | Interview | 36 | Interview | 37 | Interview | 38 | Interview | 39 | Interview | 40 | Get Behind The Mule |
    5.00 out of 5 (1 vote)
Rhinedogs | A | Radio broadcast, promo for 'Mule Variations'. The 1999 equivalent to the 'Bone Machine: Operator's Manual'.Tom talks about this album, and you hear some songs.
The sound is great, and Tom's talk is very interesting...Another 'must-have' item!
Giff | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.
iceman | - | This item has not been reviewed yet.